Word of the day


God’s power is not subject to human will. Hebrews 7:25 says Jesus is “able to save to the uttermost.” Be careful if you have a tendency to use society’s measure to judge people it says are no good. God can shake nations with people He pulls out of the dirt and mud. We also need to be careful not to pull out our measuring stick regarding people who have fallen. You don’t know how many times they resisted. You don’t know how many times they fought. God says, “I’m not going to let your past limit you. I’m not going to allow the measure of what you did in that failure stop My will from being done in your life. I reward not for performance, but for effort.”

Everyone has a destiny, a vision that God has given us. Your “promised land” may be your family being saved. It may be having a successful business or a ministry where God can use you to impact people’s lives. Don’t limit His purposes with your measuring stick.