Praise & Worship Ministry

…Helping Believers Worship In Spirit And in Truth


Worship defined in one way, is man’s natural response to a revelation of God. The vision of the GOC worship team or “Praise Point” therefore is: To Help GOC members experience the manifest presence of God”. When we experience God for who He really is, not only do we respond to him in acclamation and submission, but also in faith to receive from Him.


It is hard to direct someone to a place you have never been. We therefore believe that we have to first experience God in our own lives privately as we seek to help others publicly. To this end we enshroud our core values and GOC’s strategic mission of “Raising God’s Army” in a memorable acronym P-R-A-I-S-E

P – reparation (spiritual and technical)

R – eliability (faithfulness to commitments)

A – ccountability (openness & team work)

I – ntegrity (pursuing godliness before God and man)

S – kill (pursuing growth in our gifting)

E – xcellence (our utmost for His highest) 



We see music as a vehicle or tool for worship – a means to create a conducive environment or provide opportunities for worship. To this end, we strive to make our music both skillful and relevant in style and theme. As for style, we seek diversity for two key reasons – First to embrace and encourage diverse people groups in our congregation. Secondly to sensitize ourselves to God’s vision of the church – diverse, yet unified in Christ – God expresses his love for diversity not only in creation but also in eternal preservation of the same (In Revelations, John saw people of every nation, tongue and tribe worshipping before God’s throne)! Thematically, we carefully choose music that communicates core tenets of the Christian faith as well as messages that The Lord might be impressing on our hearts as a congregation or to the larger body of Christ.

In Conclusion

When it’s all said and done, our commitment is not to a particular style or formula – but rather, our chief goal is simply to minister to The Lord. To allow his Holy Spirit to reveal to us who God is, and consequently in turn to ascribe to Him the glory due his name. It is our prayer that all who share in our time of musical worship will leave with a higher view of God and experience an opportunity to respond to him in kind.



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